HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) plays very important roles in HIV Prevention Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) and is an important component in the service packet of treatment, care and support for HIV positive pregnant women and their baby. The authors conducted a cross-sectional study describing the situation of HTC service use among pregnant women in Binh Dinh in 2013 in order to make recommendations for improving the PMTCT in this province. Study subjects were 300 post-childbirth women in the Obstetric Depatjment of the Binh Dinh General Hospital. Findings shows that majority of pregnant women went to private clinics for their pregnant management (48.7 percent), next to commune health station (17 percent); low p~rcentage of pregnant women receiving HIV pre-test counseling (22.7 percent); low percentage of pregnant vJomen receiving HIV test during their pregnant (39.3 percent), of those, half did not received HIV pre-test counseling (42.4 percent). Reasons for not taking HIV test are they did not know that they should take it (52.9 percent), they were not recommended for HIV test (24.4 percent) and 22.7 percent subjects expressed that they have no risk of HIV infection; only 18.3 percent use completed HTC services including pre-test counseling, test, and post-test.
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