Objective: To describe rnanagement current state of hypertension at grassroots level health fadlities in Bac Giang province and evaluate the effectivity of hypertension management model after intervention in Tan Yen district, Bac Giang Province. Methods: Crosssectional description and post- and pre-controlled community intervention. Results: 42.9 percent of people with hypertension were treated. Among 22.8 percent of people with hypertension have been controlled 14.6 percent were correctly controlled. 56.7 percent of hypertensive received counseling on health insurance (MI). The study results showed that the deployment of hypertension prevention program in Bac Giang province has not reached the objective planned. CHCs, village health workers have not been assigned to hypertension management. After the intervention most risk behavior in people with hypertension were significantly reduced; The proportion of hypertensive has been under right management achieved target blood pressure increased from 4.9 percent to 63.7 percent (reached 1200 percent CSHQ); The rate of complications or death due to complications of hypertension were reduced. Research model helped effectively hypertensipne management. Most hypertensive are controlled at CHCs are stable. The model is easy to implement, sustain and highly replicate. Recommendation: To assign tasks hypertension management to CHCs, strengthen staff capacity building, provide additional medical equipment for the hospital districts, CHCs and strengthen village health workers capacity building. Should replicate the study model in the whole province.
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