Purpose: Nowadays injury is still a serious problem and needs most pay attention in Vietnam. Aim of this study was to inv.estigate the injured patients visiting Viet Duc Hospital, one of the biggest centers of trauma to find out the fact which can help to the Further National Program to Prevent Injuries. Materials and method: A retrospective study and the investigators conducted this study in Viet Duc Hospital from 2009 to 2010. All the injured patients visited emergency department of Viet Duc Hospital were considered. The data was analysed by SPSS.13.0. Results: There were 31,234 trauma patients visited Viet Duc in the study time. The most cause of injury is traffic related accidents: 16,801 patients (53,8 percent), of them, men was in 75 percent. The motorbike is playing important role for the traffic related accidents. Among 2,808 head trauma patients, including no helmet use was 821. 32,6 percent positive with BAG, however, there were BAG abover the limit as the Law in 60 percent. Death or released to die at home were 569, accounting 3,4 percent, mostly were head trauma. Conclusion: Data from this investigation has shown that the traffic related accident was common. However, there were still the head trauma due to no helmet use, or not qualified helmet, or alcohol consumption when driving, resulting the high proportion of traffic accident and head trauma. Thus the measures preventing the injury should focus on the target group with high risk.
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