Objective: To evaluate the diagnosis and treatment of adrenal gland tumor at Cho Ray Hospital in 2012. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study analyses all case of adrenal gland tumors diagnosed at Cho Ray Hospital in 2012. Results: Total of 103 cases divided 2 groups: no surgery and adrenalectomy group. No surgery group: 24 severe internal medical diseases, 05 incidentaloma and 03 not agree for surgery. Adrenalectomy group: mean age 44.3 yo, ratio of male female 1/1,8, hormonal changes 51/71, meantumor size 51.2 mm, right tumor 41/71, left tumor 30/71, retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy 46/71, openadrenalectomy 25/71, mean operative time 102.1 minutes, mean estimated blood loss 56.4 mL. Complications: pleural injury 1/71, spleen injury 1/71, converting open surgery. 3/46,no case for blood transfusion and mortality. Pathology: pheochromocytoma 28/71 (39.4 percent), adrenocortical adenoma 21/71 (29.6 percent), adrenocortical carcinoma 6/71 (8.5 percent), malignant pheochromocytoma 1/71 (1.4 percent), and others 15/71 (21,1 percent). Conclusions: Accurate diagnosis of adrenal gland tumor need to take a history, physical examination and hormone test. Hormone tests can predict a part of pathology result. Indications for adrenalectomy based ontumor size, kind of diseases, syndromes caused by adrenal gland tumor.
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