Objectives: To describe the situation of TB/HIV patients in Thai Nguyen Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional study with a sample size was 4322 TB patients hospitalized from 2007 to 2012 in which there were 320 TB/HIV patients. Results: In TB/HIV patients, male was 92,88 percent and female was 7,12 percent; age group of 30-39 years was 60,5 percent. In TB/HIV patient: AFB (+) (5,1 percent); AFB (-) (9,71 percent); pleural TB (21,36 percent); lymphadenitis TB (7,12 percent); combined TB (9,71 percent); default (4,9 percent); fatality (9,7 percent). The rate of TB/HIV in TB total from 2007 -2012 were: 8,05 percent; 9,17 percent; 7,95 percent; 7,38 percent and 3,5 percent. Conclusion: In the past five years, the situation of TB/HIV in Thai Nguyen tends to decrease.
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