Study real situation and demand of working time extension of health staff at public health centers in provinces/cities was conducted in 6 provinces of 6 regions and 13 units direct under Ministry of Health which are in different fields in order to provide evidences for establishing policy on extend the retirement age of health staff in public health facilities. The result reveals that most of units' leaders, managers agree with the policy because it is suitable to a medical professional characteristic which requires time for further knowledge, studying, professional competency associated with working experience. The majority of asked health staff said they still have ability to work at the current retirement age but it should focus on high qualified and high-level groups. The rate of health staff who want to continue to work until retirement age is lower than the rate of those who confirm their work ability after retirement and focus on high qualified health staff at central and provincial levels. Fields of preventative medicine and grass root level health are facing serious shortage of health human resources of high quality, but the direct proportion to policy on retirement age amendment from the age of 50 is absolutely lower than it is at higher levels and other fields. Therefore, in order to encourage health staff to continue to work after retirement age at grass root level health units and preventative medicine it is necessary to issue distinguished policies.
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