Background: Supraclavicular flap has been a common material selected by surgeons in 10 recent years. However, the dimension extension of the flap remains a difficult task for large defect areas which might cover the whole 'cosmetic unit' of the neck. The idea of dimension extension for the flap has been developed into the '''micro super-charge" at the distance area of the flap with the peforator of cervico- thoraco-acromial artery at the Department of Plastic Surgery-Le Huu Trac Institute of Burn. To date, no report of this flap was recorded around the World. Patient and method: Twenty patients with neck severe contracture scar have been operated using "micro-super charge" supraclavicula flap. The number of perforators determined by handle Doppler in the pre -operation stage and the details of this technique will be discussed in the paper. Results: Twenty flaps completely survived with primary healing. Perforator of cervicothoraco-acromial artery was anastomos with facial artery on the same side. The biggest dimension of flap has been harvested was: Length: 28cm, Width: 14cm. Conclusion: The coverage of the large defect after neck scar removal is a difficult task in plastic..surgery. The authors consider that "micro-super charge" supraclavicula flap is safe, reliable, and the best choice for neck severe scar contractures.
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