Granulated sugar or fine sugar (commonly called "granulated sugar") which is made from sugarcane or beet, is a popular product. It is commonly used as input material for confectionary, beverage, and honey production... In pharmaceutical industry, granulated sugar is used as excipient for several kinds of medicine (syrup medicine, sugar covered medicine). Glucose, which is used for making sweet infusion, is produced from granulated sugar. Objective: To evaluate the quality of granulated sugar sold popularly in market are met the quality standards TCVN - 6958: 2001 and TCVN - 6959: 2001. Subjects and method: The study describes on granulated sugar. Results: The sudy show that granulated sugar investigated in this study meet the standards of TCVN - 6958: 2001, TCVN - 6959: 2001 and Vietnamese pharmacopoeia edition IV in terms of appearance, purity, color, acid - alkali limit, reducing sugar, content, sulfit, color value, and heavy metal. However, some of them do not meet the requirement for endotoxin level.
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