Study aim to discuss the blood supply of the mammary gland and the nipple areola complex in Vietnamese cadavers. The results show that, in dry dissected specimens, tree types of vessels were identified that have the potential to carry blood to the mammary gland and NAC: lateral thoracic artery, internal thoracic artery, superficiel thoracic artery. In the first group, the lateral thoracic artery consist to the main artert with a diameter of 2.21 + or - 0.97 mm and the secondary artery with a diameter of 1.63 + or - 0.27 mm. The blood branch supplying to NAC derived from the lateral thoracic artery (34.55 percent) and from secondery artery (38.18 percent). Their branchs to NAC were focused on external haft of the areola. In conclusions, the blood supply for the mammary gland and NAC derived from different vessels, this rich blood supply allows for a variety of reduction techniques, ensuring the viability of the skin flaps after surger.
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