Objective: To evaluate the characteristics of Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and arterial lesions on the patients with the lower extremity artery pisease. Subject and method: Designed as a descriptive and cross-sectional study, by ABI measurement with automatic 4 limbs arterial pressure machine VP 1000 plus (OMRON), DSA procedure with Allura Integris FD20 (Philips) on 39 patients suffering from lower extremities arteries, aged from 39 to 91, being treated in the Dept. of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Intervention, the No.108 Central Military Hospital, from July 2013 to February 2014. Result: The mean ABI was 0.45 +/- 0.31; the majority of individuals had ABI between 0.4 - 0.75 (46.6 percent) and ABI under 0.4 (44.8 percent); lesions were located at SFA (81 percent), P.Tibial (65.5 percent), A.Tibial (60.3 percent), Iliac (44,8 percent), SFA with Infrapoliteal (37.9 percent) and lIiac-SFA-lnfrapopliteal (32.8 percent). Occlussion prevailed with 68.6 percent; long lesions ( 10 em) 65.7 percent; ABI and lesions of lower extremity arteries correlated with clinical stages of lower extremity artery diseases. Conclusion: ABI is useful in the diagnosis and stage evaluation of lower extremity artery diseases. Arterial lesions of lower extremities are multiform and complicated, often in multi-staged anatomic regions.
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