Objectives: To study clinical, para-clinical characteristics of patients with Ebstein's disease treated at Hanoi Heart Hospital. Patients and Methods: 98 patients with Ebstein's anomaly treated at Hanoi Heart Hospital from January 2009 to May 2015. Clinical symptoms and para-clinical parameters were collected when patients came to hospital for diagnosis and treatment. Results: Mean age: 24.2 +/- 18.7, female/male ratio = 1.23, BMI: 18.2 +/- 6.5 kg/m2. The rate of patients more than 10 years old was 75.5 percent. The reasons for coming to hospital in children more than 10 years old were tiredness (58.2 percent), chest pain (6.1 percent), in children less than 10 years old was undergrowth (21.4 percent). The symptoms: dyspnea (NYHA II), palpitation, chest pain, systolic murmur 3/6, cyanosis, right heart failure (69.4 percent, 12.2 percent, 20.4 percent, 94.5 percent, 24.5 percent, 6.1 percent, respectively). Mean of SpO2: 94 +/- 5.6 percent, 24.5 percent of patients had SpO2 less than 90 percent. Electrocardiography: right axis and right bundle branch block (42.9 percent), supraventricular tachycardia 4.1 percent, atrial fibrillation 3.1 percent. Chest X-ray: heart-chest index 65 percent (61.2 percent). Echocardiography: mean of low displaced triscupid valve was 24.5mm/m2, heavy tricuspid insufficiency (TI) 3/4 (36.7 percent) and extremely heavy TI 4/4 (60.2 percent), mean of right ventriclular Tei index was of 0.3 +/- 0.24, mean of right ventriclular tissue Tei index was 0.44 +/- 0.35. Classifications: type A 12.2 percent, type B 34.7 percent, type C 29.6 percent, type D: 23.5 percent, common combined lesions were PFO (26 percent), atrial septal defect (13.3 percent). Conclusion: Clinical and para-clinical symptoms of Ebstein's anomaly are vague, easy to misdiagnose. Echocardiography is the method to diagnose definitely.
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