Purpose: To evaluate the reality in progress of International and Vietnamese Ophthalmology in diagnosis and treatment. Methods: Specialist analysis, explanation study Results: The big progress in diagnostic technique helps improve the preciseness of diagnosis, lead to better treatment: technique using convex prism system, OCT (Optical coherence topography) imaging diagnostic systems: Anterior segment OCT and Posterios segment OCT, Indocyanin Angiography, UBM (Ultrasound Biomicroscopy)... Other progresses in treatment helps prevent blindness, improve eye care quality and visual outcomes: using anti VEGF, sutureless vitrectomy 23 gauge - 27 gauge, Phacoemulsification using a 1,8 mm indsion, multifocal intraocular lens, Astigmatism intraocular lens, Fentosecond Laser, Exdmer laser. Sterm, cell. Descemet's Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty. Vltrectomy with silicone oil injection in the treatment of ophthalmitis. VltrecI:omy in the treatment of ROP stage 4,5. Conclusion: The progress of International and Vietnamese ophthalmology gives ophthalmologist as well as patients great chances. The difference between contries was decreased and this is a great condition for international exchanges and co-operations.
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