Objectives: 1- Assessing the appropriate diagnosis rate of PET/CT scan (+) tohistopathological findings; 2- Assessing the metastatic rate and relation between FDG uptake and the size, position of lesions in patients with non small cell lung carcinoma. Subjects: 82 patients with lung tumor have performed PET/CT scan, and compared to their histopathological findings in Nuclear medicine and Oncology Center, Bach Mai hospital. Methods: retrospective and prospective studies. Results: 1- The appropriate diagnosis rate of PET/CT positive scan (+) to histopathological findings of non-small cell lung carcinoma is 94.7 percent. The sensitivity is 94.7 percent, specificity is 57.1 percent, false-positive rate is 3.6 percent; false-negative rate is 4.8 percent; 2- PET/CT wholebody scan finds out metastases, the most common mediastinum lymph nodes (60 percent), supraclavicular lymph nodes (20 percent), bone (26.7 percent), brain (18.7). The metastases in lung, liver and adrenal gland account for lower proportion; 3- Both primary tumors and metastases have high FDG uptake, the average SUV of primary tumors, mediastinum lymph nodes, brain and bonemetastases is 7.91; 5.96; 13.72 and 9.21 respectively. 4- There is the direct proportional correlation gained by SUV indices between the size of lesions and the SUV uptake with p 0.05. The bigger sizes are, the higher SUV uptake is. The average SUV of the primary tumors sized 1-2cm is 4.35; 2-4cm is 6.53 and over 4-8cm is 10.27. For the mediastinum lymph node metastases, this number is 4.75 for those sized 0.5-l cm, is 5.72 for those sized 1-2 cm, is 7.84 for those sized 2-3cm, is 7.92 for those sized over 3 cm. The last but not least, the average SUV of the pulmonary metastases sized smaller than lern is 1.78, over 1-2 cm is 4.35; 5- PET/CT scan leads to change the staging diagnosis of 30 percent patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma that helps to give the optimal treatments. Conclusion: PET/CT scan is effective in diagnosing non small cell lung carcinoma.
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