The aim of our study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of FibroScan, platelet, ASTIALT ratio, APRI, FIB4 for the assesment of hepatic fibrosis by comparison with liver biopsy. Fifty nine patients were included in this study. Liver biopsy with histologic;al evaluation (according to the Metavir staging system) and FibroScan, Platelet, AST/AL T ratio, APRI, FIB4 were assessed in all patients. Significant fibrosis was defined as F2 - 4 and cirrhosis as F4 AUROC were developed. The results showed that on the histological ground there are 32.2 percent F0, 27..11 percent F1, 20.33 percent F2, 22.03 percent F3 and 15.25 percent F4. There was a significant correlation between phange in stage of fibrosis and change of FibroScan (r = 0.638), Platelet (r = -0,408), APRI (r = 0155) and a change of FIB4 (r = 0.36) except AAR. AUROC of FS was higher than other index for differentiating minimal fibrosis from significant fibrosis and cirrhosis. In chronic liver disease, significant fibrosis can be identified using FS,APRI, FIB4 with Se 76.92; 46.5; 51 percent and Sp 92.11; 74.3; 53.1 percent while cirrhosis can be identified with Se 100; 72.6; 65.3 percent and Sp 55.6; 43.2; 42.2 percent. In conclusion, all methods used for prediction of liver fibrosis were directly, and significantly, correlated with histological finding but FS was used as a first line test for assesment of liver fibrosis.
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