Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of early de-wonning and multi-micronutrient supplementation on stunting children who are Pakoh and Van Kieu ethnics in Quang Tri province. Methods: A cluster randomized, controlled clinical trial was conducted among 284 stunting children, in which had 141 wonn infection. The study subjects were divided into 4 groups for different interventions: I) Control group (CTR, n=73), had no dewonning and no micronutrient supplementation; 2) Merely dewonned group (TG, n=70), children with worm infection. received 1 dose of Mebendazole 500 mg at the beginning of the study; 3) Merely micronutrient supplemented group (DVC, n=72), had no dewonning, received daily micronutrient supplement; 4) Combined dewonning and micronutrient supplementing group (TG+DVC, n=69), received 1 dose of Mebendazole at the beginning and daily micronutrient supplement in 6 months. Results: After 6 months of intervention, the dewonning and micronutrient supplementation interventions increased micronutrients status (Hb, Retinol, and Zinc) as well as reduced the rate of anemia, vitamin A, and Zinc deficiency. Merely micronutrient supplementation is more efficient than merely dewonning. Combined dewonning and micronutrient supplementation have more effects on micronutrient situation than merely micronutrient supplementation or merely dewonning. Recommendations: To prevent micronutrients deficiency and malnutrition for children, MOH, the PEM and other nutrition program should consider the policies to support early micronutrient supplementation combining with dewonning for children under 12 months old in the areas with high malnutrition and wonn infection.
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