Objective: to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of self-management in elderly type 2 diabetes. Subjects and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study included type 2 diabetic patients, diagnosed according to ADA criteria 2012. Results: Mean age was 68.3 +/- 6.5. 52 percent patients had right knowledge on measurement of fasting blood glucose and blood pressure, 29 percent answered correctly and 47 percent answered wrong on 2h postprandial blood glucose. 50 percent patients know that HbA1C and lipids should measured every 3 months. 65.5 percent patients checked blood glucose at home. 97 percent patients thought that self monitor of these parameters helped control disease progression. 16 percent patients said that doing these tests were expensive and time consuming. Conclusion: It should explain the importance of these parameters to self-monitor and control diabetic treatment to improve the true knowledge, attitude and practice for patients.
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