Objective: - To evaluate clinical characteristics, classifications of causes and risk factors of acute ischemic strokes; - To assess the outcome of thrombolytic therapy with intravenous Alteplase in acute ischemic strokes within 4,5 hours of onset. Methods: A prospective, observative research on 58 patients with acute ischemic stroke at the Stroke Unit of Neurology Department, Thanh Hoa Hospital from 5/2011 to 12/2015. Results: Mean ages 62.77 years, time from onset to admission 82.67 mins, door to needle time 56,55 mins, treament window time 139.22 mins, mean NIHSS 14.06, MCA occlusions 48,28 percent, cardioembolic causes 32,76 percent, large vessel diseases 24,14 percent, recanalisation rate after 24h 39,66 percent, symptomatic cerebral hemorrhages 3.45 percent, good outcome after 3 months 48,27 percent, 3 months death rate 8,62 percent. Conclusion: A research on 58 cases of acute ischemic stroke within 4,5 hours treated by intravenous alteplase in Thanh Hoa General Hospital, showed that the NINDS and ECASS III protocols could be applicable in provincial hospitals. The time from admission to needle was still delayed and needed to reduce to under 40 minutes. There was no difference between the good outcome (mRS 0-1) and Viet Nam as well as Asia statistics. The death rate after 3 months follow up and complications of symptomatic cerebral hemorrhage was equivalent or relatively higher than those of domestic research and ECASS III, but it could be compared with NINDS trial. As the limited number of cases, the authors need to continue its research.
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