Objective: To estimate disability on leprosy patients at EaNa Treatment Center in order to propose the treatment methods on disabled leprosy patients. Material and Method: The cross - sectional study basing on 134 disabled leprosy patients at EaNaTreatment Center. Results: The result shows that fourty eight percents of leprosy patients was upper 65 years old. Female was more than male. Most of leprosy patients are ethnics; in which 50 percent of them was the Ede ethnic. They came from all over the suburban districts in Daklak province. The number of patients with disability grade II was highest (64.9 percent). Eighty percents of patients suffered MB and 20 percent of them with PB. The disablities on the foot and hand were higher than opthamological disablities (46.88 percent and 45.7 percent versus 7.4 percent). Conclusion: Nearly 50 percent of leprosy patients upper 65 years old, 47.8 percent of male patients and 52 percent of female patients, 51.5 percent of them was Ede ethnic. The patients at EaNa Treatment Center came from fourteen suburban districts and Buon Me Thuot city in Daklak province.
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