Purposes: To describe some elements of hospital's quality as equipment, medicines, facilities and sanitary condition of Hanoi Hospital of Post and Telecoms; detennine the relationship of these elements to the satisfaction of patients. Subjects and Methods: Study of cross-sectional area, single random sampling with proporlionate rate. Study Objects: The statistics of equipment, drugs and facilities; directly interview patients about facilities and sanitary condition of health care center; calculated and to study the relationship between the equipment, medicines, facilities, sanitary condition and the satisfaction of the patient. Results: The hospital provides full equipment, medicines as regulatory requirements. European standard equipment is 91.11 percent, in which, 55.80 percent of the equipment belongs to the most modem generation; special medicine' index is 14.38 percent, in which, the drugs of good quality meet the needs of 73.16 percent of patient. Average area using for bed is 65.6m2, meet regulatory requirements; facilities and sanitary condition of health care center is rated by patients as good of 64.71 percent, meet the requirements of 26.96 percent; not meet the requirements of 2.45 percent. The high rating of facilities and sanitary condition of health care center is 23.5 times higher than the low one, the confidence interval of 95 percent is 13.2 - 41.9.Conclusion: Hanoi Hospital of Post and Telecoms, ensure facilities and provide equipment, medicines adequately as regulatory requirements; sanitary condition of health care center is good, meet the expectations of the patient. In conditions of limited resources, we need to determine the problems related to patient satisfaction, and settle first as priority to strengthen the demand of the patient.
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