Objectives: to describe the status of healthcare human resources in Lang Giang district general hospital, Bac Giang province and to propose some recommendations in order to improve the hospital operations. Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study with analysis was carried out on 154 health officers and staffs who are working in the Lang Giang district general hospital, Bac Giang province. The study period was from Jan to May 2013. Results: Among 142 study patficipants, rate of men was less than women (respectively, 48.8 percent and 58.2 percent). Educational attainment: the majority of the study patficipants had an intermediate level (accounting for 63.4 percent), college and university degree accounted for 28.9 percent and upper university degree accounted for only 6 percent. Physicians accounted for the highest percentage (22 percent). The rate of healthcare staffs who were working in clinical depatfments accounted for 61 percent. The rate of healthcare staffs who were working in management, administration depatfments accounted for 20 percent. Average number of healthcare staff was 12.8 for each depatfment. The outpatient depatfment had the most physicians (8 physicians), other depatfments had only 3 to 4 physicians. Conclusions: number of healthcare staff was less than standard level, but the percentage of physians was high. The rate of physicians trained upper university degree was still low.
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