Objects: Researching on clinical, paraclinical characteristics of staged IC-II epithelial ovarian cancer. Evaluating the results of treatment of staged IC-II epithelial ovarian cancer by surgery combined with paclitaxel-carboplatinregimenof adjuvant chemotherapy. Subjects: 75 patients were diagnosed with staged IC-II epithelial ovarian cancer and were treated with surgery and paclitaxel-carboplatin of adjuvant chemotherapy at K Hospital from 1/2007 to 11/2012. Results: The most common age was above 50 years (57,5 percent), the majority of patients was postmenopausal (62.7 percent). The most common symptom reported was pain full abdomen (53.3 percent). Ultrasound detected 100 percent of the cases of ovarian tumors, the sensitivity of ultrasound was 86.7 percent. Serum CA-125 levels that is above 35 U/ml was in 66.7 percent. The rate ( 35 U/ml) and average value of CA-125 of the stage II were higher than stage Ie (80 percent vs 55 percent) and (552.6 vs 220.2 U/ml) (p 0.05). Media overral survival was 56.3 + or - 3.0 months more, media disease free survival was 45.4 + or - 3.4 months more. 5-year overral survival rate was 71.9 percent and 5-year disease free survival rate was 41.2 percent. Conclusion: Diagnosis and surgical treatment combined with paclitaxel-carboplatin regimen of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage IC-II epithelial ovarian cancer give the results of media overral survival was 56.3 + or - 3.0 months, disease free survival was 45,4 + or - 3.4 months.
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