Object: To study clinical and sub-clinical manifestations of unruppted ectopic pregnancy, treated by methotrexat at National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2009. Subjects and Method: retrospective descriptive study, analyzed 425 records of patients with unruptured ectopic pregnancy is treated by MTX in 2009 at data store of NHOG. Results: Patients in 25 - 29 years old group accounted for the highest percentage (28.2 percent). Patients under 20 years old accounted for 4.7 percent and the ones over 40 years old accounted for the lowest percentage (3.3 percent). The incidence of patients had 3 children, 2 children, 1 child were 40.6 percent; 20,5 percent and 1.2 percent prospectively. The rate of patients suffered from abdominal paint was 72.2 percent. Vaginal bleeding accounted for 82.3 percent. Amenorrhea accounted for 71.0 percent. Ectopic mass size was mainly less than 3cm (83,3 percent), from 1,5cm to 3cm (65.4 percent) and from 3-5cm (16,7 percent). Concentrlion of beta-hCG was 5000 lU/l (97,6 percent). In this number, 82,1 percent patients was 1000 lU/l. Conclusion: Patients with 1 child,2 children, 3 children accounted for 40.6 percent, 20.5 percent, 1.2 percent. The rate of abdominal pain was 72.2 percent . Vaginal bleeding accounted for 82.3 percent . The incidence of amenorrhea was 71.0 percent . Ectopic mass size S 3 cm accounted for 83.3 percent; concentration of beta-hCG 5000 lU/l accounted for 97.6 percent. In this number, concentration of beta-hCG 1000 lU/l was highest percentage (82.1 percent).
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