Objective: To evaluate th.e surgical results of right thoracoscopic esophagectomy in prone position for the treatment of esophageal, cardnoma. Methods: A retro-observational study based on prospectively collected data of 213 patients with squamous cells carcinoma of esophagus from September 2004 to December 2013. Follow-up data collection performed by direct patients exam, post-letters or by telephone. Results: A total of 213 patientsinchuding 206 males (96,7 percent) and 7 females (3,3 percent). Median age was 53 years of old (34-75). Tumor at midle third of esophagus encounterd in 90,1 percent, upper third 9,9 percent; mean of tumor size was 6,2 + or - 1,91cm (2-16); disease staging was predominant with stage III (53,5 percent) and most of cases were identified as grade 2 and 3 by grading. The conversion to open surgery was 0,5 percent, intraoperative adverse events recorded as 9,4 percent; postoperative complication 31,5 percent, pulmonary complications 20,2 percent and mortality rate 1,4 percent; anastomotic stenosis was 7,1 percent; Rate of patients successfully followed up encountered in 85,2 percent. Oversurvival rate at one-three-five year was identified as 98 percent, 57 percent and 14,7 percent respectively. Over-survival time was closely related to disease staging (p=0.000).
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