By many different tools and research models, particularly transgenic animal model plays a very important role; scientists over the world have been successful in uncovering deeply either in study on human genetic diseases or investigation of disease mechanism. Bearing many good points for being a research model, Drosophila melanogaster has been widely used in health science study. Numerous studies on neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, metabolic diseases, and so on had been carried on Drosophila model and the results of those studies had been published on Nature, Science, and so on. Those publications gave great contribution on knowledge to understand wisely disease mechanism. Although the transgenic Drosophila model has been widely used on the world, it is quite new in Vietnam and so far in the country, there is no laboratory working on this model for studying human disease's mechanism. In this study, the authors present the results on successful establishment of Drosophila model bea,ring alpha-synuc1ein (SNCA) gene for study mechanism of Parkinson Disease (PD). It is well known that an existence of Lewy body which is created mostly either by overexpressioq or mis-folding of alpha-synuc1ein protein in patient's brain caused neuron cell degradation and stayed as main reason that causes PD. Using molecular biology techniques, the authors transferred human SNCA cDNA into fertilized fly embryos in order to screen for SNCA transgenic fly lines. The authors succeed on establishment of three fly lines, which carry SNCA gene and two mutant types for amino acid shifted A30P and A53T. Furthermore, the authors also succeed on using UAS-Gal4 system for directly expression of SNCA gene in Drosophila brain. The models will be useful in further study on etrect of alpha-synuclein accumulation in brain.
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