Currently, the health sector has a training system relatively well, including universitys, college and intennediates. Both country there are 26 training institutions in the subjecting to university qualification, in which 19 units are public facilities, including 10 facilities under the Ministry of Health, 04 establishments under the Ministry of Education and Training, 02 units of Govemment departments (Department of Medicine of Ho Chi Minh city and National University Hanoi), 02 units under PPC (Pham Ngoc Thach Medical Colleage and Vinh Medical Colleage) and 01 unit under the Ministry of Defence (Institute Military Medicine). The non- public training facilities are training public health mainly. There are 74 training institutions in the college and 44 training establishments in the intennediate. Core in the training of health human resources at universitys is training medical doctors and phannacists. Now, there are curently five codes disciplines doctors: general practitioners, doctors of traditional medicine, stomatology doctors, doctors of Preventive Medicine (2008), pediatrician in 2012; and 01 code of phannacists. Distribution of health training institutions of university: unequally between eight socio-economic areas. A Pipe by Red River just 20 percent of the population but have 10 public training institutions. Central is over 1000 km, but only 03 training is the basis of training, including Faculty of Medicine of Da Nang university was established in 2007 but far, it hasn't training university lever. The Central Highlands has 01 institutions (Faculty of Medicine of Westem Resources). Northem Mountain has only 01 institutions. Mekong Delta region has 01 training institutions is University of Medicine of Can Tho. South East Region there are 03 training institutions. Investment costs for training facilities is increased by 10-15 percent, while after 5-6 year, number of students enrolled in the 2-fold increase, quality of training impaired. High-quality faculty members concentrated in large schools mainly such as Hanoi Medical University and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Ho Chi Minh. 32 percent of GS and PGS, 26 percent of DR are working at two universitys.
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