The study was to filld out the status of miscarriage and birth defects in offsprings of 225 people exposed to Orange Agent/dioxin in 2 communes of Quang Binh and Binh Nguyen, Kien Xuong district. Results: Study subjects aged 61-70 accounted for 47.6 percent, 34.2 percent under 60, 98.2 percent men. More than 50 percent people exposed to Orange Agent in the period 1961-1970 and 40 percent in the period 1971-1975. The rate of birth defects in offspring (children or grandchildren) who are still alive is 7.8 percent and 3.4 percent respectively. Group of skin and musculoskeletal defects accounted for 43.0 percent, neuropsychiatric defects 26.6 percent, cardiovascular 11.4 percent, eye or ear, nose and throat, dental all accounted for 8.9 percent. The proportion of wives, daughters, daughters-in-law of the study subject had at least one incident during pregnancy or birth was 29.6 percent, 18.1 percent, 21.4 percent , respectively, more than 3 times of incidents was: 2.7 percent, 0.6 percent, 0.0 percent, respectively. The proportion of wives, daughters, daughters-in-law of the study subject had at least one miscarriage was 26.0 percent, 12.4 percent, 14.3 percent, three times or more: 3.6 percent; 1.7 percent, 0.0 percent respectively. Among the sick children of the subject, musculoskeletal disease group accounted for the highest percentage (46.9 percent in boys and 34.3 percent in girls), mental retardation (24.5 percent and 17.1 percent), digestive disease group (23.5 percent and 14.3 percent).
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