Background and aims: Leprosy that is non-lethal can cause disability and deformity. Disability caused by leprosy limits activities and community integration. The research evaluates situation and type of disability of leprosy patients in leprosy treatment centers and villages. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive survey investigates disability situation of the leprosy disease in 7 9 leprosy treatment centers and 7 6 leprosy villages of VietnamJrom 2009 to 2010. Results: The study surveyed 7,878 disabled leprosy patients (7,662 in the leprosy treatment centers and 756 in leprosy villages). The average age in leprosy treatment centers (67.7 + or - 74.2 years old) is higher than in the leprosy villages (54.6 + or - 74.3) with p = 0.002. Disability appeared most common in the legs (96.7 percent), followed by in hand (84.7 percent) and face (39.3 percent). Disability in the face with visual impairment (73.8 percent), blindness (77.2 percent), lagophthalomos (37.7 percent), cataract (57.8 percent). Hand disability appeared most common in anesthetic hands alone (77.4 percent), dry palm skin (70 percent), hard clawed finger (42.5 percent). Foot disability appreared most common anesthetic soles (63 percent), dry foot skin (56 percent), non-bone involved ulcers (27.8 percent), bone involved ulcers (7 7.8 percent). Conclusions: The number of disabled leprosy patients with various types of large different disabilities. National Leprosy Programme strengthen and coordinate resources in education, care and treatment for people with leprosy-caused disabilities.
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