Background: There are many kinds of cream that contain corticosteroids, especially the ones called seven colours cream, mixed cream, cortibion cream, etc. That has been widely used in acne patients nowadays. Ojectives: To confirm the situation and describe characteristics of acne in patients using topical corticosteroids. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Results: According to the observation of 514 patients of acne seen at cantho hospital of dermato- venereology, the authors found that: in almost cases of acne who used topical corticosteroid preparations (74,7 percent). The complicated clinical characteristics with the combination of many manifestations such as telangiectasia (6,2 percent), acneiform eruptions (16,5 percent), the complex of erythema, acneiform eruptions, rebound phenomenon, and perioral dermatitis (25,3 percent). Sensitive skin, which is the most common condition (49,1 percent), as well as the discovery of pathogenic parasites rising up on skin: Demodex (18,5 percent), fungi (12,9 percent), the combination of demodex and fungi (11,2 percent). Conclusion: The acne patients using topical corticosteroids that has been widely used in population nowadays. The complicated clinical characteristics with the combination of many corticoid side-effects manifestations.
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