Background: The prevalence of condyloma accuminatum patients in Ho Chi Minh city has remarkably increased and become "a health problem" that must be considered. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of Genotype of HPV by Polyme,rase chain reaction (PCR) and risk factors related to HPV infection among codyloma accuminatum female patients of DermatoVenereology Hospital in Ho Chi Minh city. Materials and methods: Case series study. The sample was randomly choosen among female patients in Genecology Departement from 09/2010 to 05/2011. The results of the study were collected through the questionaire with facts concerning HPV infection, clinical findings and diagnosis of the pelvic examination. Results: 174 patients in total. Prevelence of HPV high risk infection 47 percent. Prevelence of HPV group A9 (29 percent), A7 (21 percent), A6 (20 percent), type 6 (47 percent), type 11 (29 percent). Major risk factors for HPV high risk infection were indicators of sexual habits, oral sex, sexual partners, divorced or single women. Women who had LlSL, the risk rose to 5. Conclusion: Education campaigns should focus on the risk factors of HPV high risk infection and Human Papilloma Virus vaccination program for young female in Ho Chi Minh city.
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