Serum sodium has been suggested to incorporate into the MELD for end stage liver disease to enhance its prognostic ability for cirrhosis. MELDNa was developed to improve the prognostic value of the MELD score in cirrhosis patients for outcome prediction for cirrhosis. This study investigated the prognostic role of MELDNa in severe cirrhosis patients. Methods: A total of 108 patients cirrhosis Child Pugh C were enrolled to evaluate the performance of MELDNa from 12/2012 - 6/2013 and were followed - up for 7 days and 90 days to determine outcome (death or survival) at the end of this period. MELD, MELD Na score were calculated at the time of admission. Results: The median MELDNa score was 26.47 +/- 6.47. The average MELDNa of survival group at 7 days (31.69), 30 days (30.06) and those of dead group were 24.82 and 23.28. The cut off of MELDNa score predicting 7 days and 90 days mortality was 31.5; 25.5. The MELDNa was better (AUROC) than MELD in 'predicting 7 days, 90 days mortality by comparing the AUROC (0.793; 0.773 and 0.776; 0.736). Conclusion The MELDNa score is feasible and independent prognostic for both short and long term outcome predictions in patients with severe cirrhosis.
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