Objectives: Evaluate the advantages, disadvantages and impact of the model to the examination and treatment of prisoners in hospital. Subjects and Methods: The model of treatment in 6 provinces/cities general hospital, doctors working in hospitals and prisoners; Retrospective study intervention combined deployment models tested in 6 provinces/cities general hospitals. Results: Results deployment model in 6 provinces/cities general hospitals (zones: 03, monads: 03) with 89 rooms and 206 patient beds, over 02 years from 2011 to 2012 had treated 1,827 prisoners respectively. There are 02 zones were arranged nurses at Vinh Phuc general hospital and Ninh Binh general hospital. The construction zones of the provirice hospital for the treatment of prisoners in interviews is essential (91.66 percent). Conclusions: The performance of the model: Enhancing the quality of treatment; doesn't affect the other patients and other professional activities hospital subjects; no prisoners escaped from the hospital, reducing the keepers.
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