Objective: to investigate HBV BCP/PC mutations were associated with liver cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with chronic HBV infection from Northern Vietnam. Methods: The BCP/PC mutations were significantly associated with LC and HCC in patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection at MEDLATEC General Hospital from December 2010 to June 2013 were investigated by direct sequencing on 3130XL Genetic analyzer ABI. Results: HBV BCP/PC mutations were specificfor LC at nucleotide (nt).1726, nt.1727, nt.1730, nt.1766, nt.1768, nt.1773, and nt. 1799 were also detected with the frequencies were 4.17 percent, 5.56 percent, 9.72 percent, 11.11 percent, 9.72 percent, 37.50 percent, and 63.89 percent., respectively. The mutations on the region were significantly associated with HCC such as T1753V (C/A/G/delete), A1762T, G1764A, A1846T, G1896A and G1899A were detected with the frequencies were 22.22 percent, 37.50 percent, 31.94 percent, 13.89 percent, 30.56 percent, and 8.33 percent, respectively. The douple mutations such as A1762T/G1764A and A1762T/G1764A + T1753V (C/A/G/delete) were detected with the frequencies were 30.56 percent, and 13.89 percent, respectively. Conclusions: (1) BCP/PC mutations of HBV were specific for LC were detected in patients with chronic HBV infection from Northern Vietnam were at nt.1726, nt.1727, ntl730, nt.1766, nt.1768, nt.1773 andnt.1779; (2) BCP/PC mutations were significantly associated with HCC were detected were: T1753V (C/A/G, delete), A1762T, G1764A, A1846T, G1896A and G1899A.
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