Objectives: 1/ Comment to the clinical and paraclinical features of sleeping apnea patients in the respiratory center in Bach Mai Hospital. 2/ Comment to the results of respiratory poly-graphic of sleep apnea patients in the respiratory center in Bach Mai Hospital. Subjects:Consists of 36 sleepapnea patients in the respiratory center in Bach Mai Hospital from Aug 2013 to Oct 2014. Research method: Prospective cross. sectional description. Results and conclusion: Patients with sleep apnea syndrome is concentrated in the age group from 36 to 60 years old accounted for the majority (72.3 percent). The rate of males to females is 3/1. Common symptoms: daytime sleepiness (91.7 percent), falling a sleep at work (72.2 percent), snoring (100 percent), witnessed apnea (100 percent), Epworth 15 points (52.8 percent). Results of poly-graphic: AHI mean: 49.9 +/- 23.8 event/h, sleep apnea syndrome severity (77.8 percent). Risk factors: male gender, smoking and drinking, big necklace more than 40cm, BMI higher than 25 kg/m2.
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