The aim of this study was to assess clinical and histopathologic features of cancer of the jaws. Material and method: This is descriptive crosssectional of 104 patients, who were diagnosised cancer of the jaws at Hanoi National Hospital Odonto Stomatology from 8/2008 to 8/2011. Results from the study showed that: patients age over 40 years is 81/104 (77.88 percent); with a range of 6 to 80 years; the ratio of male/female is 1:1. Pain, swelling are the most common clinical findings 104/104 (100 percent); ulcer is 81/104 {77.88 percent)...Other features as mobility teeth 70/104 (67.31 percent) and failure an extracttion site to heal 23/104 (22.12 percent). Mandible is 65/104 (62.50 percent); Maxillar is 39/104 (37.50 percent); metastatic tumor to jaw bones is 1/104 (0.96 percent). Tumor over 2cm diameter is 101/104 (97.11 percent). Conclusions: clinical features of cancer of the jaws: patients age over 40 years is 77.88 percent; the ratio of male/female is 1:1; pain, swelling are the most common clinical findings 100 percent; the mandible is 62.50 percent; the maxillar is 37.50 percent. Histopathologic features of cancer of the jaws: metastatic tumor to jaw bones is 0.96 percent; tumor over 2cm diameter is 97.11 percent; carcinoma: 84.62 percent; sarroma 15.38 percent; stage 3 is 71.15 percent, stage 4 is 18.26 percent.
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