Purpose: The aim of this study was to estimate the ratio of complete clearance of stone after lithotripsy through Kehr-tunnel in patients with remaining stones at Binh Dan hospital in 10 years. Method: A prospective analysis. With the time of 10 years, 826 patients with recurrent or remaining stones in bile duct and must be performed lithotripsy treatment at the Department of Heaptobiliary - Binh Dan hispital. These patients were included in the research samples. Result: Average age: 46,2 +/- 8,9; the ratio of complete clearance of stones is 95,9 percent; positions in the right lobe takes lead (32,4 percent) in the reasons for remaining stones after operation, the most common complication is bleeding (4,4 percent); and 86,6 percent of patients have no plinical changing after operation. Conclusion: Finding method to treat the bile duct stone completely was a. question being posed. Lithotripsy through Kehr-tunnel was performed after surgery to open the common bile duct which later is drained with the Kehr tube, there are 95,9 percent of patients are- pomplete clearance of stone, this is a deserving attentive result.
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