Background: Rectal cancer is a common disease, the inddence of rectal cancer is increasing. Surgical is mainly treatment, the two issues that concern after surgery are long term and the quality of life. Aims: To evaluate the assessment of urinary funtion, sexual and self anal after laparoscopy for low rectal cancer at No.108 hospital. Results: There were 82 patients with low rectal cancer undergone laparoscopic from 2004 to Feb 2012 at 108 hospital. The mean age was 55,4 percent 13,1, the rate of male/female was 1,4/1, there were 36/92 patients (39,1 percent) had Ty sphincter conservation success, 56/92 patients (60,9 percent) undergone Miles laparoscopic, urinary function after surgery: 9/26 patients (34,6 percent) normal, 12/26 patients (46,2 percent) low control, 5/26 patients (19,2 percent) lost control, self anal on 27 patients undergone sphincter preservation: 92,6 percent patient at Kirwan I, II, 7,4 percent patient at Kirwan III. Conclusion: Laparoscopy surgery is effectively and safety on low rectal cancer.
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