A cross-sectional descriptive study determine the rate of HIV infection among sentinel populations in Haiphong, 2009, four thousands specific objects were is determined and enrolled following MOH guidline for HIV/STIs sentinel surveillance. Blood samples were collected and HIV diagnosis follow MOH's guidline sentinel surveillance of HIV/AIDS in Vietnam. The data were analyzed using software OpenEpi 2.3.1 and EPIINFOR 6.0, analysis HIV prevalence, comparing the ratio between the group to consider the value of and p values 0.05 thresh old for statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence interval. Among of 4000 blood samples collected, the highest rate of HIV infection in injecting drug users (IDUs) 28.5 percent, the highest in the age group 30-39 (33.2 percent) and 8.5 percent in female sex workers 5.8 percent in tuberculosis patients, 0.8 percent in STIs male patients, 0.1 percent in pregnant women, No case of HIV infection determined in groups of recruitment for military service and sailors.
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