The eate of urological complications in gynaeco-obstetric surgery was counted for 1 - 2.5 percent. The author reported their experience for early treatment of 106 urological complication patients treated the first time in Department of Urology, Viet Duc hospital from 4/2005 to 9/2010. 106 females age from 21 to 65 (mean 42.52 + or - 10.47). The results indicated that all of the urological complication forms with simple lesion was 91.5 percent: 49 simple vesico-vaginal fistula (46.2 percent), 28 cases of ureteral stenosis (26.4 percent), uretero-vaginal fistula occupied 14.1 percent. The multi lesion form of bilateral ureteral stenosis with uretero-vaginal fistula or vesico-vaginal fistula was 8.5 percent. It was difficult to discover these complications during operation with only one of four case peritonitis of bladder lesion. 63.8 percent of diagnosis lated after 1 month and 16 percent after 1 year. 87.7 percent of vesico - vaginal fistula repair by transvesical approach, 90.6 percent of uretero-vesical reimplantation by Lich - Gregoir method. No case needed to reoperate during postoperative with the good result was 96.23 percent. 73.6 percent of total patients were follow up from 1 to 60 months (mean 20.22 + or - 16.46) with good results in 89.8 percent. The rate of reintervention was 6.4 percent in 4 cases of vesico-vaginal fistula and 1 case of bilateral ureteral stenosis after JJ-stenting. Thus, early diagnosis and treatment urological complications after gynaeco-obstetric surgery allow to preserve the kidney function and diminish the sequela to posterity.
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