Introduction: Patients with end stage renal disease is increasing in community. Treatment with hemodialysis is common now in Vietnam. Arteriovenous Fistular (AVF) is classic method, however some patients is not adequate because of diabetic, sclerosed veins. In this study the authors evaluate arteriovenous graft with PTFE for hemodialysis. Objectives: To evaluate the result of arteriovenous graft witl1 PTFE prothesis for hemodialysis at the People's Hospital No.115 with factors: proportions of success, proportiosn of accidents and complications. Patients and method: ail patients not realize AVF at No.115 People Hospital with a prospective study. Results: 33 patients, consist 10 males and 23 females in this study. the mean age 66.2 years (27-87y). The associate disease are diabetic, hypertention, lupus. Reason of fail with classic AVF is sclerosed veins and thrombus. The mean time of hemodialisis 2.21 years (0.5-7). Number of time operation with AVF 2.88 times (1-5 times), 2 patients with CAPD fail, 9 patients with arteriovenous graft fail. 100 percent cases followed by an upper arm straight graft (Brachial artery-basilic vein) with synthetic material polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), majority of patients under local anesthesia. The mean time operation: 94.85 minutes (75-125m). 100 percent patients has good flow and good quality. 1 patient with 9 months to use, 2 patients with 2 years to use, other patients used good now. Conclusions: Arteriovenous graft with PTFE is good choice for patients who is not realize classic AVF. This is a method easy to use.
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