Background: Biliary tract stones disease is very common in Vietnam. During many years ago, the ratio of biliary tract stones has gradually decreased; however, there were still many patients which admitted in hospitals because of biliary tract stone and its severe complications, ERCP was firstly applied at Binh Dan Hospitalin 1993, and has treated many hiliary pancreatic diseases. The biliary stones extraction technique by ERCP has successfully treated biliary stone patients without the help of surgery; and these patient had got recovery, caine back to war/c very quickly. Materials: All patients had biliary tractstones extraction by ERCP from 06/2005 to 06/2010. Methods: Retrospective. Results: In 5 years, there were 764 patients (254 men and 510 women). The authors had successfully extracted bilian, stones in 703 (92 percent) of all cases with 32/113 cases CBD stones combine with intrahepatic stones, 7 cases had biliary worms and stones. The authors failed in 38 cases because of large CBD stones ( 2.5 cm). Complications: 3/703 patients had acute pancreatitis after stones extraction by ERCP and they all had been well after 3 , 4 and 10 days. 1/703 patients had Oddi bleeding and was stopped the bleeding by endoscopic adrenaline 0.01 percent injection. Conclusion: Today, the biliary stone extraction technique by ERCP is a minimal-invasive, effective, safe procedure for treatment biliary tract stones diseases.
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