Backgrounds: Transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus stenting is considered now as a modality to improve the pulmonary blood flow, as an alternative to surgical aortopulmonary shunt. Objectives: this report help to evaluate the acute and midterm outcome after stent implantation of ductus arteriosus. Methods: Between June 2010 and June 2012, 58 patients who have congenital heart disease with duct dependent pulmonary circulation underwent ductus arteriosus stenting after full assessment and follow-up by clinical examination, echocardiogram, CT scanner and c angiogram. Results: Age of the patients was from 3 days to 90 days (mean: 16.5 days). Weight of them was from 1.9kgs to 7.6kgs (mean: 3.9 kgs). Patent ductus arteriosus stenting was successful in patients. In 58 patients, there are 1 with transposition of the great arteries and pulmonary stenosis, 4 of tetralogy of fallot, 3 of critical pulmonary stenosis, 5 of pulmonary atresia with intact VSD, 14 of pulmonary atresia with VSD and 31 cases of complex congenital heart diseases with univentricular morphology. Ductus stenting was successful in 56 cases (96.4 percent), 2 failure were then had BT shunts. 6 patients died after the procedure (1 acute thrombosis in stent, 1 pulmonary edema due to pulmonary overshuting, 4 cases of severe infection). In 1 patient, the stent was dislodged and migrated (but was successful to retrieve). Reintervention was necessary in 5 patients. 1 patient needed another aorto-pulmonary shunt. 14 cases had corrective operation or intervention (8 of pulmonary perforation and balloon valvuloplasty, 3 of tetralogy of fallot, 2 of pulmonary atresia with VSD, 1 of transposition of the great arteries with pulmonary stenosis). 10 patients had Glenn shunts. 26 patients are at follow up. Conclusion: Ductus arteriosus stent is feasible, safe and effective palliation in newborns and young infant with duct-dependent pulmonary circulation and can replace surgical aortopulmonary shunt especially in neonatal period.
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