A cross-sectional study have companionate the researching method of quantitative and qualitative analysis with the aim of determining the rate of knowledge, attitude of HIV/AIDS and baniers towards practicing voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) among pregnant women, was conducted in 2011, in Vi Thanh city, Hau Giang province. The quantitative research was surveyed 240 pregnant women who were given birth in the last six months through the structured interview questions by the systematic random sampling method in the community. The qualitative research was surveyed 19 people: managers of PMTCT program, consultants of obstetrics and department of reproductive health care at clinics, pregnant women who were given birth in the last six months using and no using VCT through deep interviews and group discussion. Research results indicated that the proportion of pregnant women having the essential knowledge and attitude of HIV/AIDS was 44,2 percent and 28,3 percent. Baniers towards practicing (VCT) have from both sides of the service providers and users such as consultants no consulting or no providing information on VCT in PMTCT for pregnant women; the VCT room no being private; pregnant women no having enough knowledge on HIV/AIDS and VCT services in PMTCT, worrying about stigmas and discrimination when they come to VCT in during pregnancy. In short, the authors should strengthen information, education and communication to fight against stigma and discrimination toward people living with HIV/AIDS; invest the VCT room and promote advertising in VCT service and consult about VCT for pregnant women at the clinics and health stations soon.
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