This is part a comprehensive study on health insurance in Vietnam for the period 2009-2012 in the Center for Health and Education Economic, School of Ecomomic and Business Administration, Thai Nguyen University. Findings: Keys issue are: -Low involvement of various local authorities in the impementation of such an important policy as health insurance; -Unsufficient awareness of target populations about their responsibilty and their benefit in their participation to health insurance; - Lot of problems/constraints in the implementation of health insurance laws and policies such as the bypassing of reference medical care levels, the use of medical care in non-registered medical care units, the choice/ preference of the first medical care contact, the copayment regulation, the inverse subsidy for health insurance, the inverve selection of health insurance, the overuse or underuse of health insurance funds, the reimbursement to hospitals/ medical care units, etc. This study contributes a research view on the implementation of health insurance laws through analysis of secondary data and direct observation during supervision in some provinces.
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