Objectives: the study was to determine the prevalence and some characteristics of metabolic syndrome (MS) according to Asian NCEP/ATP III standards in gouty patients in No.108 Military Central hospital. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study on gouty patients treated in the department of Rheumatology and Nephrology in No.108 Military Central hospital from Mars 2013 to April 2015. Results: The prevalence of the MS according to the revised Asian NCEP/ATP III criteria was 45,72 percent (48 patients); Among MS characteristics, hypertriglyceridemia and low HDL-C occupy the highest proportion (69,52 percent and 61,91 percent); Come next are hypertension (45,72 percent), then waist circumference and/or high BMI, hyperglycemia with 39,05 percent and 37,14 percent, respectively. Chronic gouty arthritis had higher prevalence than acute gouty arthritis (35 pts, 54,69 percent vs 13 pts, 28,89 percent, P 0,05). Conclusion: The MS affects nearly a half of gouty patients. The MS has a significant association with the age of gouty patients. Obesity and hypertriglyceridemia report the most frequent features. Petition: Physicians should recognize the metabolic syndrome as a frequent comorbidity of hyperuricemia and treat it to prevent serious complications.
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