Objectives: Describe the current status of solid waste management and evaluation of health knowledge, attitudes and practices for managing medical waste in Thu Duc district hospital. Methodology: Design cross-sectional descriptive study, subjects are medical staff working in Thu Duc district hospital from 6/2013 - 12/2013. Results: Each day in the hospital a hospital bed rise of 1.9 kg of medical waste. The whole hospital has 32 employees working in waste management, 79 workers who collect and transport waste 3 including medical waste. There are 57.5 percent vehicle transporting medical waste of hospital standardized request, 52.5 percent items stored medical waste unsatisfactory, handling solid waste in hospitals achieve passable. There are 92.5 percent of medical staff of the hospital have the right knowledge, 88.6 percent have a good attitude and 94.5 percent correct practice for the management of medical waste. 100 percent of health workers to collect and transport the right kind of medical waste. Conclusion: The amount of medical waste generated per day in the hospital is very large (1.9kg/hospital bed/day). The proportion of health workers with the right knowledge, attitude and practice good right in the management of medical waste high.
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