Thirtyone perforator- sparing and thirty random patterngluteal fasciocutaneous were used for cover of pressure sores in 60 patients with age range from 16 to 82 years. 35 patients were paraplegic and 28 patients was ambulatory. Twenty patients were classified as grade 3 and 40 patients as grade 4. All of pressure sores were sacral and were treatmented with vacuum assisted closure therapy, which treatmented range 3-10 period. The random pattern gluteal were used for defected sore with diametre below 6cm and which are over 6cm were covered by super ior gluteal artery perforator flaps. There was no major complications such as total flap necrosis. Three cases were complications: 2 blooding under flap and one cas with a half flap necrosis. Mean follow - up period was 18,7 months (range 37-5 months).
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