Application of the Glen-Brown plan to treat the diabetes patiens per-opered at Bach Mai hospital. Aims of study: application and assessement for using the Glen-Brown plan to treat this groups patien per-opereted. Materials and method: 60 patiens diabetes (Men : 26 and Women : 34 cases) who are operated at the Anasthesie Departerment of Bach Mai hospital from November 2007 to November 2008. We otainded with the good resutal 77 percent and no successfully : 3 percent. The dosages min of insuline is from 0.5 to 0.6ui/kg/24h. The time to control glucose dose: 43.1/h and the maintain dose of Glucose was treated 27-55g/14h. There are hypokaliemie 3 mmol/l 10 percent and hypoglycemie : 12 percent. Conlusion : The Glen-Brown plan is vel}' good plan to treting hyper-glycemia to the diabetes patiens per operated.
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