Purposes: To review dinical and epidemiological characteristics of childhood cancers treated .by accelerated radiation therapy at The Nudear Medidne and Oncology Center, Bach Mai Hospital from July 2009 to July 2013. Patients: 63 childhood cancer cases were underwent radiation therapy. Results: Average age was 7,51 years old; youngest: 2, oldest: 15. The ratio male/female is 2,5/1. brain tumors (63,5 percent), wilms tumor (12,7 percent); bone tumor and soft tissue sarcoma (11,1 percent); leucemie with CNS infiltration (7,9 percent). Other kinds of tumors were less common. Oinical symptoms varied depending on cancer types: Intracranial tumors: 92,5 percent patients had headache and 85 percent had nausea or vomiting; other symptoms were hemiplegia (40 percent), cerebellar syndrome (25 percent). Wilms tumor: lumbar pain (75 percent), hematuria (50 percent), abdominal palpapble tumor (37,5 percent). Sarcoma: ischemia syndrome (85 percent), bone pain and limited movement (42,9 percent); infection syndrome (28 percent). Radiation doses changed depending on the natural of disease, stages and risk factors. Radiation side effects were reported mainly in the course of treatment such as headache (50.8 percent); nausea and vomiting (36.5 percent); fatigue (42.9 percent); anorexia (46 percent); hair loss (31 percent). Conclusion: Accelerated radiotherapy in the combination of surgery and chemotherapy is an effective and safe method for the treatment of childhood cancers in pediatric patients (under 15 years old).
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