Target: Describe clinical and paraclinical characteristic of abruptio placenta at the National hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, from 01/01/2004 to 31/12/2010. Object : the pregnant women were diagnosed ( after cesarean section or delivery) and treated with abruption placenta at the national hospital of obstetrics and gynecology, from 01/01/2004 to 31/12/2010. Exclusion: medical record is in doubt with abruption, but after delivery is not right. Medical records is not enough necessary information. Study method: retrospective, interrupted description. Result: vaginal bleeding occupies 59.8 percent ( this symptom account for the highest rate), abdominal pain ( 28.6 percent), shock ( 37.5 percent), hypertonus (21.7 percent), uterine contraction ( 11.4 percent). Amniotic fluid blended blood ( 41.7 percent), dirty green amniotic fluid (47.9 percent). 54.2 percent of cases is fetal distress, no fetal heartbeat is 18.2 percent. The rate of no fetal heartbeat is mainly met in severe type of abruption placenta, which account for 65.7 percent among of the total of abruptio placenta and 100 percent with severe type of it. The number of patients, who were taken untrasound is 150, in which, the rate of detecting blood clot behind placenta is 74.6 percent. Red blood cell 2 millions/mm3 (6.8 percent), 2 - 3 millions/mm3 ( 40.6 percent). Fibrinogen 19/1 (2.1 percent), from 1 to 2 g/1 (21.3 percent). Hb 70g/1 (12.5 percent), from 70 to 90 g/1 (53.1 percent), 9Ds.Hb 110 g/1 (34.4 percent). Platelet 100G/1 (7.8 percent), 100G/1 (92.2 percent). Conclusion: Vaginal bleeding (59.8 percent), abdominal pain (28.6 percent), shock (37.5 percent), hypertonus (21.7 percent), uterine contraction (11.4 percent). Untrasound detect blood clot behind the placenta (74.6 percent). Hb: Hb 70g/1 (12.5 percent), Red blood cell 2 millions/mm3 (6.8 percent), Fibrinogen
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