In the grading of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, it is important to quantify the extent of damages over the entire volume of the femoral head. Objectives: To use 3D-Doctor software to determine the volume of necrosis, the volume of femoral head, to calculate the ratio between them to do grading, and to locate the necrosis on the femoral head. Objects: 41 femoral heads of 26 patients. Methods: The authors studied clinically using 3D-Doctor software to measure volumes of the femoral head and necrosis. MRI scannings of the femoral heads were carried out on axial planes with T1W, T2W, T2W fat-saturation sequences, then coronal and sagittal reconstructions were done. The necrosis volume and the volume of the femoral head were interpolated based on the areas and slice thickness. Results: Of the 41 femoral heads, 8 had lesions in the grade of IA 8-IIA, 2-IIB, 1-IIC, 2-IIIB, 4-IIIC, 1-IVA, 2-IVB, 3-IVC, 2-VB, 4-VC, 4-VI. In addition, the 3D-Doctor software allows to accurately locate the necrosis on the femoral head. Conclusion: 3D-Doctor software is a useful tool, which helps to grade and locate the lesions in aseptic necrosis of the femoral head.
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